
Today, running a successful community group is really like running a business. Attracting supporters and raising funds now competes with a range of increasing responsibilities, including changing regulations, increasing demands for governance, transparency and accountability.

We have had significant involvement in the provision of audit services to the not-for-profit sector. We audit a large number of not-for-profit entities including child-care centres, children and family services providers, community organisations and local sporting clubs.

Our staff are personally involved in the not-for-profit sector. Ben is a volunteer firefighter with the Bathurst Rural Fire Brigade, the treasurer of the Episcopal Ministry Fund, the secretary of the Australian Institute of Environmental Accountants and has previously been the treasurer for Churches United Soccer Football Club.

We are proud of the relationship we have with management and governance bodies of the not-for-profit entities we work with and we would be pleased to talk to you about how our audit services can provide value to your organisation.

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