Carbon Services

Ben has been a Category 2 Registered Greenhouse & Energy Auditor with the Clean Energy Regulator since November 2011. This enables GPP Audit to provide audit and assurance services under the Emissions Reduction Fund (“ERF”) and National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (“NGER”) frameworks.

Carbon Neutrality

We have assisted clients based locally within the Central West Region and interstate with becoming carbon neutral.

Carbon neutrality is achieved when net greenhouse gas emissions of an organisation, a product, service or event are equal to zero. This can be achieved by reducing emissions and then purchasing and retiring offset units to match the remaining emissions.

Emissions Reduction Fund

The Emissions Reduction Fund is the centrepiece of the Australian Government’s policy suite to reduce emissions. $2.55 billion in funding has been made available by the Government for approved projects through the ERF scheme.

We have been team members on a number of Emission Reduction Fund audits around Australia, assisting project proponents obtain funding through the Fund and previously under the Carbon Farming Initiative.

National Greenhouse & Energy Reporting Regime

The National Greenhouse & Energy Reporting Regime is Australia’s reporting mechanism for accounting for the greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption of corporations.

We have worked with a wide range of corporations around Australia meet their greenhouse gas emissions reporting obligations.

Partnership with Pangolin Associates Pty Limited

We work closely with Pangolin Associates Pty Limited, a national energy and carbon management consultancy. Pangolin helps organisations achieve efficiencies and competitiveness through measuring, reducing and offsetting environmental impacts. Visit:

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